Saturday, December 18, 2010

2011 New Years Resolutions!

At this time of year, many of us are thinking about making New Year's Resolutions to change things that haven't been working for us for in a long while. Have you made a list of the ways in which you’d like to change your behavior and the choices you make each day?

Make a commitment to the “New You” and the world will quickly start feeling quite different. You might need some help in staying motivated to manifest your dreams, so recruit a Success Team – a group of friends, family, or colleagues who can help you stay focused and accountable, and who will cheer you on towards your goal.

Work on an Action Plan, or a road map for this new journey that you are about to take. Include a timeline so that you know how long each part of the plan will take to manifest, and when you will eventually reach your goal. Celebrate each successive step by giving yourself little rewards along the way. It will make the journey so much more fun, and will definitely keep you motivated!

Here is my list of New Years Resolutions!

1. Read through the entire Bible.
2. Exercise 3 days a week for an hour.
3. Find a part time job that I enjoy.
4. Read 1 book a month not related to school.
5. Cook at least 3 times a week.
6. Take more pictures and use them in scrapbooks.
7. Relearn how to play the flute, piano, and guitar.
8. Brush up on Spanish and Sign Language.
9. Go on at least 2 mission trips.
10. Use my dancing background in ministry.
11. Make all A's in the rest of my seminary classes.
12. Travel to at least 3 states I have never been to.
13. Memorize Romans and Philippians.
14. Save more, spend less.
15. Spend more time with friends and family.
16. Give more time and money to help people in need.
17. Donate things that I am not using.
18. Compliment someone at least once a day.
19. Love everyone as Jesus first loved me.
20. Fall more in love with Jesus every day!

There you have it! I plan to post them on my bathroom mirror so I am reminded of them every time I brush my teeth!

What are your New Year's Resolutions? How do you plan to stick to them?