“This new year had better be better than last year!” “Maybe I will meet the love of my life this year.” “Maybe this year I will have true friends.” “Maybe this year I won’t screw up my life AGAIN.” “Maybe this year I won’t be such a failure.” “Maybe this year no one I love will die.” “Maybe... Just maybe this will be my year….”
These were just some of my new year's thoughts as a young child and a young adult.
The new year was a FRESH start, a new hope – a new beginning to this life that I so frequently messed up or regretted.
I anxiously anticipated “ringing in” the new year! I celebrated at midnight with great relief that the past year was FINALLY OVER.
Today…I read on facebook about all the great plans people have and their anticipation for the new year, but I don’t seem to care. I don’t care that it’s New Year's Eve. I don’t care that it’s a new year.
I am asking: Why?
Since I truly fell in love with Jesus Christ, every day… every minute… every breathe is a new day, a new year, a new start, a new beginning in Him!
I don’t need a new calendar year to begin again. I'm not in bondage to man's timing. I don’t need a party to start over.
ALL I need is the Truth that sets me free! Jesus!
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! John 8:32
So...when you feel crushed, when someone you love dies, when you fail, when you hurt someone, you can CHOOSE life. Embrace a new beginning every day! Choose a new start in the love of Jesus!