In the past month, so many amazing things have happened in my life that have made me have to catch my breath. I have called my mom almost every day with something new and exciting to share. I finished my internship at the Salvation Army, gave my senior presentation, took my last undergraduate exam, said goodbye to my Social Work family, decided I am going to attend the Campbell Divinity School, found out that I will be the Resident Director of Hedgpeth dorm, was offered another job on campus, found out about some great scholarships, had coffee with some amazing people, saw my girl crush at a coffee shop, spoke at the Honors Banquet at Campbell, started running consistently with my friend Lori, read through my senior yearbook, played guitar at Monday Night Bible Study and Erwin First Baptist Church, went to the beach, and had all kinds of fun in between! These things have been the ideal end to my senior year of college. Things have not always been easy, but I have completed this book and I am ready to move on to the next one. Even though these four years are over, I am able to look back and see how the Lord has worked it all out and I didn't even have to do anything. He is the one who brought me to where I am now. He has been so faithful all along, and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me!

This whole month has been one great conversation after another. Today was no exception. I went to have lunch with Jilene and Terry, two of my friends here at Campbell. We had a really encouraging conversation about strengths that we each see in each other, and some of the things they said were so inspiring to me. They said things about me that I wouldn't have noticed about myself. This evening, I was able to hang out with some of my dearest friends. Abigail, Sara, Meredith, Virginia, Jilene and I all watched The Secret Life of Bees together and spent time telling fun stories about things that have recently happened in our lives. Meredith also played a song she had written on her guitar, and it was absolutely beautiful. She has inspired me to practice up this summer. I can't wait until I buy my own guitar with my graduation money! It was one of my last girly nights with these beautiful women, and what a night it was. I will never, ever forget it.

I know I tend to talk about my friends a lot, but they really are what has made all of the studying and paper writing make more sense. I have been so blessed with so many amazing friends here at Campbell! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many great things have come about as a result of these wonderful people. Most of them are people I want to keep up with as I graduate and want to continue to enjoy life with. They are all so unique and special. I know that the Lord brought us together for a reason. Each person has helped to shape me into the woman I am now, and I hope I have had an impact on their lives too. So many things have changed for me in the past few years, but one thing that has been constant is the friendship I have shared with these people. They all remain nameless in my blog, but they will always be on my mind. I have grown especially close to many girls, from the girls I lived with in Hedgpeth and had crazy parties with to the girls I live with now at Faculty Memorial. So many wonderful memories are to be had here, and they will only continue for years to come! Saying goodbye to these people is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. I don't know what I am going to do without them. I have shed several tears thinking about what a strange transition it will be to go from seeing friends on a weekly basis to not seeing them at all. Thankfully, I will still have several close friends in the area, and tons of memories to keep with me for as long as my busy brain remembers them. Things will never be the same, but I am learning to embrace the change and be thankful for it! God's plans are so much greater than my own desires.
I came across a verse this morning during my devotion time that really encouraged me. "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:20. It iss so cool to remember that through Christ God's promises are made complete.
I begin this new chapter of my life with excitement and enthusiasm. Whenever I think about new beginnings, I always wear my butterfly shirt-I think I might just have to do that tomorrow. Even though this is "the end", it is really just the beginning! God is so good.
1 comment:
I love you, Diane.
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