The past two days have been absolutely amazing. I turned 22, although I cannot say that I feel any older. Perhaps wiser, and more prepared to conquer the world. It was once again confirmed that I desire to have closer relationships with my friends and a deeper walk with the Lord.
This desire became even more apparent as I spent time with some of the most important people in my life. Robyn and Abigail came home with me and were able to meet my family. Mom made yummy food and my family gave me fun gifts. Robyn and Abigail and I braved the rain and went out for lunch and tea, did a bit of shopping, drove around Davidson and Mooresville, talked about Literature, shared secrets, sang and played guitar, attempted a crossword puzzle, went to church, and said and did many things that deserve a good hearty laugh, {or at least a giggle}.

When Abigail and I got back to campus, we went to the free Derek Webb concert on campus. His lyrics and music are so rich. Derek played all of the songs on his twelve string guitar, which was so impressive. I had time to reflect on life and what's behind me and before me. It was the perfect end to an already amazing weekend, or so I thought...
When I returned to my apartment, my roommates Virginia and Jilene had decorated the apartment with birthday signs, and had gifts waiting for me on the table. We had a fun conversation about all sorts of things. Tomorrow night, Jilene is taking me out for dinner and a few more friends should be coming too. Tuesday night, Virginia and I are going to Campus Christian Fellowship at NC State. I can't wait! How was I blessed with such great roommates? They are so wonderful.
I also took some time to listen to voicemails and read through my facebook wall posts, which was a huge blessing in and of itself. I'm pretty sure those messages would make the most depressed person swell with joy.
I wish I could find the words to tell my friends how much they mean to me. They care about me more than I deserve. I am humbled by their generosity and love.
As cheesy as it sounds, I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes by Albert Camus: “Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
I am so excited to see what God has in store for this coming year-probably more blessings than I could ever imagine. He tends to bring good things into my life when I least expect it.
1 comment:
I love you. Lots. Giggles and secrets forever, and many days of rich friendship to come! I love you.
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